

Naco Libre, anyone?

El Clasico

Today was one of two of the biggest futbol days of the year here in Monterrey. We have two professional teams here- los Tigres and los Rayados. They play each other twice a year and it is complete madness- there are fights all over the city.

A bunch of us went to Texas Grill to watch the game. The Tigres were up 3-2 with three minutes left and the Rayados scored- but it was called offsides. The game went into stoppage time and the Rayados scored again off a corner kick but it was called back. The Tigres won. We were robbed!

Field trip to Carl's Jr.

Carl's Jr. offers school tours so we decided to go this past Friday to check it out. The kids got their faces painted, played in the playland, and toured the kitchen. Needless to say, I won't be eating there any time soon.


Liseth's Quince

We had a wonderful time with the Family Christian group at Imperio de Amor, Lalo's new children's home. It was so good to see Liseth and Diana and meet new friends like Lily, Laura, Alondra, and baby Justin.